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Main » 2012 » February » 16 » Reunion Information From Gracie Santillan Garcia
6:25 AM
Reunion Information From Gracie Santillan Garcia

Ok classmates! We have a set date for homecoming 2012. We'll be kicking off our 35th class reunion on Thursday, 

Sept. 20th with a homecoming parade and bonfire.

The game is on Friday, 21st, and then the dinner/dance 

Sat. Sept. 22nd. Details about these days are to follow as the committee plans and finalizes them. 

I'm simply posting the dates so that those of you from out of town can make your plans with plenty of time. 

Keep logging on for the latest info about this upcoming fabulous & exciting event! 

Like I told Cuki Castillo on another page, we are like fine wine, we get better with age so no excuses please. 

You can also follow us on our web page

 Tell any friends that don't like FB to look us up on our web page Sylvia Barrera Hackbarth will keep it updated. 

Now the ball will really get rolling!!

On behalf of myself:Gracie Santillan Garcia
Rosa Salazar Cortez
Pedro Barrera
Ofelia Ortiz Flores
Blanca Cabrera
Jose Barrera
Eliud Fuentes
Dago Soto
Irasema Padilla
and the rest of the committe

we hope you all decide to make it because we've worked really hard to raise start up money.
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