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Main » 2012 » February » 18 » Reunion Message
4:03 AM
Reunion Message

Since we just got the HC date for next fall, I made some phone calls and visited some venues for our Sat. night event. 

A couple of us had an emergency meeting today and we HAD to make a decision on the place.

 So, we will be having the Sat night dinner/dance at Embassy Suites Hotel on S. 2nd St. in McAllen. 

It will be a beautifully catered event including some already prepaid alcoholic beverages for you if you like to indulge. 

For those of you that are coming in from out of town, we should be getting special pricing for the rooms there in case you'd like

 to stay there. I'll post the special rates as soon as we have them. 

If you've never been there, let me tell you that it is very nice.

 More info will be posted as we get it in. 

Don't forget, we are meeting next Thurs at Chili's on Exp 83 in McAllen at around 6:30 for more planning. 

7 more months and counting.....and the ball is rolling!!!
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