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Main » 2012 » February » 11 » Reunion Update
9:37 AM
Reunion Update

Ok guys, here's an update: District lines for sports have been drawn. We're just waiting 

for the football schedule so that we know when homecoming will be. Cuki Castillo and /or 

Joe Barrera will let us know ASAP. Then we'll be visiting several suggested venues for our 

Saturday night event. If you want to start sending in your money you may. The cost is the 

same as it has been for the last 2 reunions, $50.00/person. If your're interested in 

sending it in early, let me know. We hope everyone reading this will be able to make it!! 

Give me your opinion about the possibility of having a reunion yearbook...theme idea: 

Then & Now.

 Or feel free to brainstorm and give us your ideas. We'll be in touch with more info as

soon as we have it! In the meantime, take care!!
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